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disabled tape

A tape goes in DISABLED state when it encounters a problem. This is a temporary state automatically set by cta-taped, custom monitoring tools or by an operator to temporarily prevent this tape from being mounted for user archival or staging activities. A tape should not stay in DISABLED state for more than 2 work day: enough for the vendor to come and fix possible hardware issue that turned the tape to DISABLED state.

This can occur for example if a tape is stuck inside a tape drive and cannot be ejected: the tape drive goes DOWN and the stuck tape is DISABLED until an operator ejects from the tape drive, puts it back in its home slot and mark it as un-DISABLED.

Properties of a disabled tape

New staging job can be queued on a DISABLED tape. However, they won't be processed because the tape will can't be mounted while in this state.

Staging jobs queued when the tape transitioned to DISABLED state stay in the queue until the tape state changes:

  • if the tape is un-DISABLED the queued jobs will be processed.
  • if the tape is damaged it can be moved to BROKEN state, which will requeue the user requests in a different tape copy or fail them.

Properties of a repacking_disabled tape

Tapes on REPACKING state should be moved to REPACKING_DISABLED, not DISABLED. This asserts a clear distinction between jobs on user domain (ACTIVE/DISABLED) and on operator domain (REPACKING/REPACKING_DISABLED).

This distiction is already taken into account by cta-taped when changing the state automatically.

Notes for devs

Currently if the tape is un-disabled and the user canceled his staging job in the meantime: the tape is mounted and files are transferred to the eoscta instance.

What are the states that a tape can be in if it is not disabled anymore? there is exported which mean that the tape won't come back and the jobs should be cancelled.

In addition a disabled tape can be repacked by an operator: in this case what happens to the queued staging jobs?