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EOS tape replicas

An EOS tape replica is a replica with an EOS file system ID of 65535. It is a fake replica in the sense that it is only a boolean. Its presence indicates the that the file in question is safely stored on tape. The metadata of the tape replica does not contain the actual location of the tape file(s). This information can be found by first querying the value of the sys.archive.file_id extended attribute of the EOS file and then looking up the value in the internal catalogue database of the CTA tape file catalogue which is a database outside of the EOS namespace.

Creating an EOS tape replica using the eos command line:

  • eos file tag /eos_file_path +65535

Deleting an EOS tape replica using the eos command line:

Please note that deleting the tape replica of an EOS file that only exists on tape is a dangerous operation. The file will be deleted forever.

  • eos file tag /eos_file_path -65535