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Retrieve Workflows


See also [this presentation to the X-Section meeting](

Introduction and Overview

The communication protocol for CTA retrieve workflows are shown in the figure below:

EOSCTA Retrieve Workflow Protocols

To recall files from tape to disk, a PREPARE request is sent to EOSCTA using the XRootD protocol (xrdfs prepare). ATLAS, CMS and LHCb use FTS, which sends bulk PREPARE requests of 200 files at a time. ALICE uses JAlien, which sends one PREPARE request for each file.

The four main workflows associated with retrieving files from tape are:

  • PREPARE: stage a file from tape to the EOS disk buffer; increment the evict counter
  • QUERY_PREPARE: query the status of a file (replica on disk or not; replica on tape or not; details of any in-flight requests; any errors)
  • ABORT_PREPARE: cancel a previous PREPARE request
  • EVICT_PREPARE: decrement the evict counter of a previously-retrieved file replica and, if the value reached zero, remove it from the EOS buffer

Note that not all requests are communicated to the CTA Frontend:

  • PREPARE requests will be passed to CTA if it is the first request for a file
  • ABORT_PREPARE requests will be passed to CTA if it is the last request to abort a retrieve for a file
  • QUERY_PREPARE and EVICT_PREPARE are handled entirely by EOS and are never communicated to CTA

Note: Evict counter logic is only available with EOS version >= 4.8.70. Before this version any EVICT_PREPARE will trigger an eviction, regardless of the number of users requesting/using the file.


  • PREPARE takes a list of files and returns a request ID ReqId.
  • QUERY_PREPARE, ABORT_PREPARE and EVICT_PREPARE use this same ReqId + list of files to reference the request.

The ReqId is a unique ID generated by the XRootD server. One ID is generated for each request, and there can be multiple different requests for the same file. In other words, the relationship between ReqId and a file is many-to-many.

The XRootD protocol supports overriding the default ReqId in the MGM, replacing it with an ID generated by EOS. (The configuration option xrootd.fslib -2 must be set).

EOS does not maintain the mapping between ReqId and list of files; this is done by FTS. EOS on its own does not provide a mechanism to look up the list of files associated with a given request. However, a file can be queried to see which ReqIds are attached to the file metadata.

If FTS is not used, it is the responsibility of the client to keep track of which files belong to a given ReqId.


The figure below shows the sequence for queuing a PREPARE request and retrieving the file to EOS disk.

File read from tape with the synchronous PREPARE workflow

PREPARE Workflow Event

The prepare.default workflow event is triggered by xrdfs prepare on a list of files. The prepare event is handled by the standard XRootD FileSystem call, which passes it to the MGM OFS plugin. Here the list of files is unpacked and processed in series:

  1. Check if the file exists and the requester has permission to retrieve it. If not, skip it and move to next file.
  2. Dispatch the file to a handler function in the EOS WorkFlow Engine (WFE): WFE::Job::HandleProtoMethodPrepareEvent()
  3. The WFE handler function generates a Google protocol buffer which is transmitted to the CTA Frontend (across the SSI interface). This call returns synchronously with success or an error message for each file.
  4. If there is an error for any file, skip it and move to the next file

All files are treated with idempotency.

Once the list of files has been processed - even if there was an error for some of them - SFS_OK is returned to the XRootD framework. An error is only returned if all file requests fail before the request is sent to the WFE.

If the MGM has been configured to override the default XRootD-generated request ID, SFS_DATA is returned with the new ReqId. In either case, the ReqId is returned to the client.

The WFE handler function contains the following steps:

  1. Check if the file is already on disk; if so, there is nothing further to do apart from incrementing the evict counter (sys.retrieve.evict_counter) by 1. Return success.
  2. Check if the sys.retrieve.req_id is set:
    • If yes: there is already an in-flight request. Add the ReqId to the list of requests waiting for this file (sys.retrieve.req_id).
    • If no: this is the first request for this file. Set sys.retrieve.req_id to the ReqId and set sys.retrieve.error to empty. Send the PREPARE request to the CTA Frontend. Set sys.retrieve.req_time to the time that the PREPARE request was sent.
  3. If a PREPARE request for the file is successfully queued, the CTA Frontend sets the extended attribute to the address of the retrieve request in the CTA Object Store. This attribute is required for ABORT_PREPARE, because the Object Store has no way to dereference the XRootD request ID into the address of the request object to be deleted.
  4. If the CTA Frontend returns an error:
    • Clear the list of requests by setting sys.retrieve.req_id to empty and set the error message in sys.retrieve.error. sys.retrieve.req_time is also cleared.


sys.retrieve.error can also be set by the MGM Garbage Collector.

CLOSEW.retrieve_written Workflow Event

The retrieve_written event is executed when a file has been successfully recalled to disk. See WFE::Job::HandleProtoMethodCloseEvent():

if(mActions[0].mWorkflow == RETRIEVE_WRITTEN_WORKFLOW_NAME)

This code clears the attributes sys.retrieve.req_id, sys.retrieve.error, sys.retrieve.req_time and In addition, it initializes the attribute sys.retrieve.evict_counter to the number of requests that were stored in sys.retrieve.req_id.

retrieve_failed Workflow Event

CTA may be unable to retrieve the file, due to an error mounting or reading the tape or an error writing to the disk buffer.

In either case, the tape server will retry three times per mount session. If all three attempts fail, the file is requeued for a second mount. If the file cannot be retrieved after two mount sessions (six attempts in total), the recall is failed:

  1. Record the error in sys.retrieve.error
  2. Clear the list of pending retrieve requests in sys.retrieve.req_id
  3. Clear sys.retrieve.req_time
  4. The failed request is put into the Failed Request queue in the Object Store. It can be examined or deleted using the cta-admin failedrequest command.

Stale requests

Stale requests are those where the file has not been retrieved after some time, but there is no error. Stale requests can be detected by checking sys.retrieve.req_time. This is set to the last time a PREPARE request for the file was sent to the CTA Frontend. If the req_time is more than a few days old, the request may be stuck or lost. It should be manually cancelled, allowing the client to retry.

At present there is no mechanism for the automatic detection of stale requests, see issue #663.


QUERY_PREPARE allows the client to check the status of files which have been requested by a prior PREPARE request.

The XRootD server implements query prepare not as a kind of query, but as a kind of prepare. The following code in the MGM OFS plugin dispatches prepare and query prepare to the right place:

int XrdMgmOfs::prepare(XrdSfsPrep& pargs, XrdOucErrInfo& error,
                   const XrdSecEntity* client)
  if (pargs.opts & Prep_QUERY) {
    return _prepare_query(pargs, error, client);
  } else {
    return _prepare(pargs, error, client);


Previously FTS checked the status of files in a PREPARE request using STAT. The online status of a file is checked using XrdPosixMap::Flags2Mode:

if (flags & XrdCl::StatInfo::Offline) *rdv |= XRDSFS_OFFLINE;

The XrdCl::StatInfo::Offline flag is set if and only if the file has no disk copy (i.e., d0::t1).

The error status of a file is checked by checking the sys.retrieve.error extended attribute.

There were several problems with using STAT:

  • A STAT request queries the status of a single file, so it breaks the normal FTS workflow which is to send requests in batches of 200. QUERY_PREPARE allows FTS to query the status of all files in a request at once.
  • STAT is not transparent. Some parts of the PREPARE request status are stored in XRootD flags, other parts are stored in EOS extended attributes. If any of these internal implementation details change, FTS has to be updated. In contrast, QUERY_PREPARE is a standard part of the XRootD protocol. It will provide a single, consistent abstract interface to FTS and any future client software.


The XRootD protocol for QUERY_PREPARE takes a ReqId and an optional list of files as its arguments. As the MGM does not maintain the mapping from ReqId to files, the list of files is mandatory when querying EOS.

We can effectively ignore the ReqId as we can query the file using only the filename. However, the supplied ReqId is returned in the response. If the client makes asynchronous queries, it allows the client to tie up which response belongs to which query.


The XRootD protocol does not specify the format of the response (other than it is a string). xrdfs query prepare simply displays this string on stdout.

As the reply from QUERY_PREPARE needs to be both human-readable and able to be parsed by clients such as FTS, EOS sends the reply in JSON format.

The response format is as follows:

  "request_id": "<supplied request ID>",
  "responses": [
      "path": "/path/to/file",
      "path_exists": true/false,
      "on_tape": true/false,
      "online": true/false,
      "requested": true/false,
      "has_reqid": true/false,
      "req_time": "<UNIX timestamp>",
      "error_text": "<error text>"

In detail, the response is a JSON object which consists of:

  • The same request ID that was passed in the request
  • An array of JSON structs, one per file from the original request. The number of array elements will match exactly the number of files in the request. If the file does not exist or is inaccessible, there will be a response struct with the error_text attribute set.

Each array element has the following fields:

  • String path: The absolute path to the file (relative paths are explicitly forbidden by the XRoot protocol)
  • Boolean path_exists: True if the path exists in the EOS namespace
  • Boolean on_tape: True if there are one or more copies of the file on tape
  • Boolean online: True if there are one or more replicas of the file on disk
  • Boolean requested: True if there is at least one request ID attached to the file
  • Boolean has_reqid: True if the supplied request ID is in the list of request IDs attached to the file
  • String req_time: UNIX timestamp indicating when the request was sent to CTA to be serviced. The value is a 64-bit number, but it is transmitted as a string as not all JSON parsers have a 64-bit type.
  • String error_text: If an error occurred, a human-readable error message will be returned here

The client logic for each response should be something like:

    elif(not exists):
       BAD REQUEST: Unrecoverable error, file does not exist
       WAIT: come back later
       ERROR: pass error_text to data management software stack

There are a couple of corner cases which can be detected as follows:

  • If online is false AND requested is false AND error_text is empty, something happened in the MGM and the request never made it to the CTA Frontend. This should be treated as a transient error (resend the request).
  • If requested is true, but has_reqid is false, this means that our request never made it to the CTA Frontend, but anyway the file is being retrieved as someone else managed to request it. This should also be treated as a transient error (resend the request), to cover the case where the other requester cancels their request.
  • If req_time is very old (e.g. > 1 week), probably something went badly wrong and the request has been lost. See stale requests above.


ABORT_PREPARE allows the client to cancel PREPARE requests which are not "interesting" any more. It can be triggered using xrdfs prepare -a.

All files in the list are treated with idempotency, even if some of them failed to abort. In these cases an error is returned to the client, but the abort request is still sent for all the other remaining files.

One typical use case (commonly used by ATLAS) is when the PREPARE request for a file is simultaneously sent to CERN T0 and one or more T1 sites. As soon as one of the requests succeeds, the other ones are cancelled.

In CASTOR, the queue for "bring online" is seven days long. Users can cancel "bring online" at any time. CTA follows this same behaviour.

The ABORT_PREPARE workflow is implemented as follows:

    if(req_id in sys.retrieve.req_id):
      // Request is still in-flight
      Remove req_id from sys.retrieve.req_id
      if(sys.retrieve.req_id is empty):
        Send ABORT_PREPARE request to the CTA Frontend
        Clear sys.retrieve.error and sys.retrieve.req_time
      // Either the file has been retrieved successfully,
      // an error has occurred,
      // or the client did not provided the correct req_id
      No action


The EVICT_PREPARE workflow offers an analogous functionality to the CASTOR stager_rm command. It can be triggered using eos stagerrm or xrdfs prepare -e.

Whereas ABORT_PREPARE is typically triggered by an experiment's data management software, EVICT_PREPARE is intended for internal use. ABORT_PREPARE is for cancelling in-flight requests, while EVICT_PREPARE is for removing files which have been successfully retrieved.

The EVICT_PREPARE starts by decrementing the attribute sys.retrieve.evict_counter by 1. When the counter reaches zero, it triggers the eviction of the disk replica, removing it from disk. This guarantees that multiple clients can trigger a PREPARE of the same file and use it safely, because it will only be removed once the last client has sent the EVICT_PREPARE.

All files in the list are treated with idempotency, even if some of them failed to evict. In these cases an error is returned to the client, but the evict request is still sent for all the other remaining files.


Detailed description of how EVICT_PREPARE works, including which xattrs are updated.