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Running with postgres

External postgres instance

Modify database-postgres-sample.yaml file to suit your configuration and submit it to ./ using the -d option for example:

[root@ctadevjulien orchestration]# (postgres_CI) ./ -S -O -d database_postgres_dbod.yaml -s tests/ -n toto -k

Internal postgres instance

In this case the postgres instance is launched in a postgres pod in the namespace. This configuration allows developers to launch a standalone offline instance that does not require any externally configured database. internal_postgres.yaml contains everything needed to launch an internal postgres instance, contact it with namespace DNS and configure CTA accordingly. Here is an instanciation example of a standalone postgres DB instance with a local objectstore:

[root@ctadevjulien orchestration]# (postgres_CI) ./ -S -d internal_postgres.yaml -s tests/ -n toto -k