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CTA Continuous Integration

The CTA repository contains all the tooling required for the gitlab CI system. This can be found in the continuousintegration directory and in the .gilab-ci.yml file.

This document describes how to use these tools interactively.

Launching a CTA test instance

A CTA test instance is a kubernetes namespace. Basically it is a cluster of pods on its own DNS sub-domain, this means that inside a CTA namespace ping ctafrontend will ping ctafrontend..cluster.local i.e. the CTA frontend in the current instance, same for ctaeos and other services defined in the namespace.

Before going further, if you are completely new to kubernetes, you can have a look at this CS3 workshop presentation. The web based presentation is available here.

Setting up the CTA kubernetes infrastructure

All the needed tools are self contained in the CTA repository. It allows to version the system tests and all the required tools with the code being tested. Therefore setting up the system test infrastructure only means to checkout CTA repository on a kubernetes cluster: a ctadev system for example.

Everything in one go aka the Big Shortcut

This is basically the command that is run by the gitlab CI in the CI pipeline executed at every commit during the test stage in the client build. Here is an example of successfully executed archieveretrieve build. Only one command is run in this build:

$ cd continuousintegration/orchestration/; \
./ -n ${NAMESPACE} -p ${CI_PIPELINE_ID} -s tests/ -D

CI_PIPELINE_ID is not needed to run this command interactively: you can just launch:

[root@ctadevjulien CTA]# cd continuousintegration/orchestration/
[root@ctadevjulien orchestration]# ./ -n mynamespace -s tests/ -D

But be careful: this command instantiate a CTA test instance, runs the tests and immediately deletes it. If you want to keep it after the test script run is over, just add the -k flag to the command.

By default, this command uses local VFS for the objectstore and the oracle database associated to your system you can add -O flag to use the Ceph account associated to your system.

The following sections just explain what happens during the system test step and gives a few tricks and useful kubernetes commands.

List existing test instances

This just means listing the current kubernetes namespaces:

[root@ctadevqa03 ~]# kubectl get namespace
NAME          STATUS    AGE
default       Active    18d
kube-system   Active    3d

Here we just have the 2 kubernetes system namespaces, and therefore no test instance.

Create a kubernetes test instance

For example, to create ctatest CTA test instance, simply launch ./ from CTA/continuousintegration/orchestration directory with your choice of arguments. By default it will use a file based objectstore and an sqlite database, but you can use an Oracle database and/or Ceph based objectstore if you specify it in the command line.

[root@ctadevjulien CTA]# ./
Usage: ./ -n <namespace> [-o <objectstore_configmap>] [-d <database_configmap>]

Objectstore configmap files and database configmap files are respectively available on cta/dev/ci hosts in /opt/kubernetes/CTA/[database|objectstore]/config, those directories are managed by Puppet and the accounts configured on your machine are yours.


After all those WARNINGS, let's create a CTA test instance that uses your Oracle database and your Ceph objectstore.

[root@ctadevjulien CTA]# cd continuousintegration/orchestration/
[root@ctadevjulien orchestration]# git pull
Already up-to-date.
[root@ctadevjulien orchestration]# ./ -n ctatest \
 -o /opt/kubernetes/CTA/objectstore/config/objectstore-ceph-cta-julien.yaml \
 -d /opt/kubernetes/CTA/database/config/database-oracle-cta_devdb1.yaml -O -D
Creating instance for latest image built for 40369689 (highest PIPELINEID)
Creating instance using docker image with tag: 93924git40369689
DB content will be wiped
objectstore content will be wiped
Creating ctatest instance namespace "ctatest" created
configmap "init" created
creating configmaps in instance
configmap "objectstore-config" created
configmap "database-config" created
Requesting an unused MHVTL librarypersistentvolumeclaim "claimlibrary" created
configmap "library-config" created
Got library: sg35
Creating services in instance
service "ctacli" created
service "ctaeos" created
service "ctafrontend" created
service "kdc" created
Creating pods in instance
pod "init" created
Waiting for init.........................................................OK
Launching pods
pod "ctacli" created
pod "tpsrv" created
pod "ctaeos" created
pod "ctafrontend" created
pod "kdc" created
Waiting for other pods.....OK
Waiting for KDC to be configured..........................OK
Configuring KDC clients (frontend, cli...) OK
klist for ctacli:
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: admin1@TEST.CTA

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
03/07/17 23:21:49  03/08/17 23:21:49  krbtgt/TEST.CTA@TEST.CTA
Configuring cta SSS for ctafrontend access from ctaeos.....................OK
Waiting for EOS to be configured........OK
Instance ctatest successfully created:
ctacli        1/1       Running     0          1m
ctaeos        1/1       Running     0          1m
ctafrontend   1/1       Running     0          1m
init          0/1       Completed   0          2m
kdc           1/1       Running     0          1m
tpsrv         2/2       Running     0          1m

This script starts by creating the ctatest namespace. It runs on the latest CTA docker image available in the gitlab registry. If there is no image available for the current commit it will fail. Then it creates the services in this namespace so that when the pods implementing those services create the network and DNS names are defined.

For convenience, we can export NAMESPACE, set to ctatest in this case, so that we can simply execute kubectl commands in our current instance with kubectl --namespace=${NAMESPACE} ....

The last part is the pods creation in the namespace, it is performed in 2 steps:

  1. run the init pod, which created db, objectstore and label tapes
  2. launch the other pods that rely on the work of the init pod when its status is Completed which means that the init script exited correctly

Now the CTA instance is ready and the tests can be launched.

Gitlab CI integration

Configure the Runners for cta project and add some specific tags for tape library related jobs. I chose mhvtl and kubernetes for ctadev runners. This allows to use those specific runners for CTA tape library specific tests, while others can use shared runners.

A small issue: by default, gitlab-runner service runs as gitlab-runner user, which makes it impossible to run some tests as root inside the pods has not the privileges to run all the commands needed.