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Creating a new version of the Catalogue Schema


The Catalogue schema is the description of the tables that represent the CTA Catalogue.

The Catalogue schema version number has the following format:


Example: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0


SCHEMA_VERSION_MAJOR should be modified only if the changes made to the schema are not backward-compatible with the currently running version of CTA.


While starting, CTA checks the SCHEMA_VERSION_MAJOR it is supposed to run against. If SCHEMA_VERSION_MAJOR is not correct, CTA will not start.

Modifying the Catalogue schema

In order to make any changes to the CTA Catalogue schema, first a new schema version has to be created.


Do not modify any .sql files without changing the version of the schema first (step 1 below)! If you do not update the version, the current schema will be overwritten by any modifications you make. (Roll back by removing your changes and rebuilding CTA). If in doubt, do a git diff to check that the current schema directory (in the catalogue folder) does not contain any changes.

To modify the Catalogue schema, follow these steps:

  1. Modify the compile-time constants CTA_CATALOGUE_SCHEMA_VERSION_MAJOR and CTA_CATALOGUE_SCHEMA_VERSION_MINOR, found in cmake/CTAVersions.cmake.
  2. Run the build of cta-catalogue-schema

    → This will create a new folder that will be named according to the schema version variables modified in step 1.

    → Example: if the new schema version is 1.1, the directory 1.1 will be created in the catalogue directory.

  3. Modify the schema by editing the .sql files located in the catalogue directory:

    • databasetype_catalogue_schema_header.sql
    • common_catalogue_schema.sql
    • databasetype_catalogue_schema_trailer.sql

    Where databasetype is oracle, postgres or sqlite.

  4. Run the build of cta-catalogue-schema

    → This will modify the files located in the folder created at step 2.

  5. Try the new schema you created in an empty database. Your schema should work with Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQLite.


You can use cta-catalogue-schema-create to create the new schema