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Start CTA

Documentation should contain “Hello world” example:

That is how to migrate one files to tape and how to get it back. This should include:

  • declaration of a library in CTA catalogue

  • declaration of tape pools and a tape

  • putting file into EOS

  • checking that the file is there

  • list pending archives

  • see tape mounted (like castor “tpstat” command)

  • show the “m” bit to confirm the file is on tape

  • remove disk copy on EOS

  • retrieve file from tape

  • see tape mounted (like castor “tpstat” command)

  • show a disk copy of a file somewhere on disk (example: <FST server:/<FST path>/00000000/00000007)

Debugging Authentication Problems

Force the cta command line tool to use Kerberos authentication:

export XrdSecPROTOCOL=krb5,unix

Get debugging info if KDC authentication does not work:

export XrdSecDEBUG=1

Trying out some commands

Now CTA should be up and running and we can try out some commands from the cmdline directory:

cta-admin ll add -n IBMJD3 -m "IBM lib 3"
cta-admin tp add -n cms_raw_08 -p 15 -m "CMS raw"
cta-admin ta add -v G12345 -l IBMJD3 -t cms_raw_08 -c 10000 -m "Tape"
cta-admin sc add -n single -i 2 -c 1 -m "A single copy class"

Running tapeserverd

Tape labelling

Tapes can be labelled with the following commands (depends on the tape library and the tape drive types):

echo "VOL1V31001                           CASTOR                                    3">label.file
mtx -f /dev/smc load 1 0
dd if=label.file of=/dev/nst0 bs=80 count=1
mt -f /dev/nst0 rewind
mtx -f /dev/smc unload 1 0

Preparing the CTA environment for migrations

The library and tapes need to be registered for the migrations (use appropriate names for your setup):

# create library
    $ cta-admin logicallibrary add --name VLSTK --comment "ctasystest"
# create tape pool
    $ cta-admin tapepool add --name ctasystest --partialtapesnumber 5 --encrypted false --comment "ctasystest"  
# add tape to the tapepool and library
    $ cta-admin tape add --logicallibrary VLSTK --tapepool ctasystest --capacity 1000000000 \
    --comment "ctasystest" --vid V31001 --disabled false --full false
# create storage class
    $ cta-admin storageclass add --instance root --name ctaStorageClass --copynb 1 --comment "ctasystest"
# create archive route
    $ cta-admin archiveroute add --instance root --storageclass ctaStorageClass --copynb 1 \
    --tapepool ctasystest --comment "ctasystest" 
# create mount policy
    $ cta-admin mountpolicy add --name root --archivepriority 1 --minarchiverequestage 1 \
    --retrievepriority 1 --minretrieverequestage 1 --maxdrivesallowed 1 --comment "ctasystest"  
# create requester mount rule
    $ cta-admin requestermountrule  add --instance root --name root --mountpolicy ctasystest \
    --comment "ctasystest"

Using CTA

Storing a file into tape

Copy a file in the data directory that has the cta frontend attributes:

eos cp /etc/bashrc /eos/users/test/
# Check drives are up
cta-admin dr ls
# Check archival queue
cta-admin sq
# Check file on-disk/on-tape status
eos ls -y /eos/users/test/

Once archival is finished, queues should be empty, drive should be Free, eos should show d1::t1 to indicate there is a disk copy and a tape copy.

Remove file from disk and restore it from tape

# Remove file from disk
eos stagerrm /eos/users/test/bashrc

If eos ls -y /eos/users/test/ is excuted, then eos should show d0::t1. This means the file is removed from disk but it's stored into tape. To restore it into the disk:

xrdfs root:// prepare -s /eos/users/test/bashrc

And executing eos ls -y /eos/users/test/, it should show d1::t1

Finally that file can be copied to the user pc:

eos cp /eos/users/test/bashrc ./bashrc.bckp

In this example it's copied with the .bckp extension to avoid override the existing bashrc file in home directory.