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[Optional] Configure CTA

This chapter describes how to do a tailor-made CTA configuration. It could be useful when it is required to test a particular CTA subsystem. In the general case the default settings should be sufficient.

Configure the ObjectStore

There are two types of ObjectStore: Virtual File System (VFS) or Ceph distributed storage system.

Configuration for a test system

In a test system, configure the ObjectStore as a VFS. Initialise the new ObjectStore VFS and set global rwx permissions:

export OBJECTSTOREURL=$(cta-objectstore-initialize | awk '/New object store path/{print $NF}')
chmod -R 0777 ${OBJECTSTOREURL##file://}
$ ls -ld ${OBJECTSTOREURL##file://}
drwxrwxrwx. 2 root root 240 May  9 11:22 /tmp/jobStoreVFSg4Mqz4/

Add it as a configuration parameter in /etc/cta/cta-taped.conf and /etc/cta/cta-frontend.conf

ObjectStore BackendPath /tmp/jobStoreVFSOKJCjW

and /etc/cta/cta-frontend-xrootd.conf

cta.objectstore.backendpath /tmp/jobStoreVFSOKJCjW

Configuration for a production system

In a production system, configure the ObjectStore to use Ceph. To install Ceph:

yum-config-manager --enable ceph
yum -y install ceph-common

The Ceph client version must match the version of the Ceph server you are connecting to. If there are problems connecting, check the required version number with the Ceph server administrator. At the time of writing, the required version is:

$ ceph --version
ceph version v11.0.0-2590-g08becd3 (08becd34a82b2c541f0aeeaf28c4038faf268d47)

Specify the location of the Ceph cluster monitor daemon in /etc/ceph/ceph.conf. To use the CERN Ceph cluster monitor:

   mon host =

Configure the following environment variables to specify the ObjectStore. For convenience, save these in a file (e.g. /etc/sysconfig/ceph.conf) which can be sourced from the shell:

# Initialise ObjectStore configuration with:
# . /etc/sysconfig/ceph.conf
# Declare which type of ObjectStore you have. Possible values: file or ceph

# Define the ObjectStore ID, which corresponds to the Ceph user name. The Ceph
# service manager should provide this value.
export OBJECTSTOREID=eoscta

# Define the ObjectStore pool name on Ceph. The Ceph service manager should
# provide this value.
export OBJECTSTOREPOOL=eoscta_metadata

# Define the ObjectStore namespace name which will be prepended to all objects
# in the ObjectStore. The CTA service manager defines this value. Usually it is
# kept as "cta-ns".

# This is just to construct the URL from the above values

Create the Ceph keyring for this CTA instance (/etc/ceph/ceph.client.$OBJECTSTOREID.keyring). Fill in the values which correspond to the environment variables defined above:

   caps mon = "allow r"
   caps osd = "allow rwx pool=OBJECTSTOREPOOL namespace=OBJECTSTORENAMESPACE"

There is also a configuration file /etc/ceph/rbdmap but this appears to contain only comments:

# RbdDevice        Parameters
#poolname/imagename    id=client,keyring=/etc/ceph/ceph.client.keyring

Initialise the ObjectStore:

cta-objectstore-initialize $OBJECTSTOREURL

To list the ObjectStore content:


To delete the ObjectStore content:

    ls | xargs -itoto rados -p $OBJECTSTOREPOOL --id $OBJECTSTOREID --namespace \

Configure the Catalogue

The Catalogue is stored in an Oracle database. The database connection string is specified in /etc/cta/cta-catalogue.conf in the format oracle:username/password@database.

There are various reasons why SQLlite is not suitable for system tests: Resource starvation; SQLite and Oracle handle locking differently; and test coverage (we need to use Oracle part of the system that will be used in production).

/etc/cta/cta-catalogue.conf should contain exactly one connection string. For example, to configure CTA to use database devdb12 with login name cta_test and password MYSECRET:


To use this configuration to create a new database schema:

cta-catalogue-schema-create /etc/cta/cta-catalogue.conf

To test the correctness of the newly created database schema:

cta-catalogue-schema-verify /etc/cta/cta-catalogue.conf

To drop an existing database schema:

$ cta-catalogue-schema-drop /etc/cta/cta-catalogue.conf
You are about to drop the schema of the CTA calalogue database
    Database name: devdb12
Are you sure you want to continue?
Please type either "yes" or "no" > yes
DROPPING the schema of the CTA calalogue database
Dropped table CTA_CATALOGUE
Dropped table ARCHIVE_ROUTE
Dropped table TAPE_FILE
Dropped table ARCHIVE_FILE
Dropped table TAPE
Dropped table ADMIN_USER
Dropped table ADMIN_HOST
Dropped table STORAGE_CLASS
Dropped table TAPE_POOL
Dropped table MOUNT_POLICY
Dropped sequence ARCHIVE_FILE_ID_SEQ

Configuration for a test system

A postgres instance running in a container is a quick way to test with a local db.

docker volume create pgdata

docker run --network bridge --rm -v pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data --name pg-cta -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d -p 5432:5432 postgres:9.6

echo "postgresql:postgresql://postgres:password@" > /etc/cta/cta-postgres.conf

Configure CTA Frontend

Create the CTA Frontend configuration file /etc/cta/cta-frontend.conf. The ObjectStore Backend should point to the $OBJECTSTOREURL specified in Section Configure the objectstore:

ObjectStore BackendPath rados://cta-id@cta-tapepool:cta-ns
Catalogue NumberOfConnections 1
Log URL file:/var/log/cta/cta-frontend.log

Create the corresponding logfile:

touch /var/log/cta/cta-frontend.log
chmod a+w /var/log/cta/cta-frontend.log

Create the CTA user:

useradd cta

The CTA Frontend requires both Kerberos and SSS authentication: Kerberos is used to authenticate user archive/retrieve commands and admin commands. SSS is used to authenticate communication between the Frontend and CTA/EOS mgm. See Figure Authentication Mechanisms in CTA for an overview.

Authentication Mechanisms in CTA

CTA Frontend Kerberos Authentication

CTA uses one of the Kerberos keys from /etc/krb5.keytab. If this file does not exist, see Appendix Create a Kerberos keytab file for details of how to create it. This file should be copied to the CTA Frontend keytab which should be owned by the user/group which will run the CTA Frontend XRoot daemon:

cd /etc
cp krb5.keytab /etc/cta/cta-frontend.krb5.keytab
chown cta:tape /etc/cta/cta-frontend.krb5.keytab

Check the contents of the new keytab:

echo -e "read_kt krb5.keytab.cta\nlist\nquit" | ktutil

CTA Frontend SSS Authentication

There will be one EOS instance per User (Atlas, CMS, etc.), each of which can send archive and retrieve requests to the CTA Frontend. Each EOS instance should have its own Simple Shared Secret (SSS) key[^1].

The EOS instance name is used as the user name for the SSS key. In the case of a local EOS instance (See Appendix [install_eos]), this can be found in the eos_env configuration file:

$ grep EOS_INSTANCE_NAME /etc/sysconfig/eos_env

Use the instance name to create a SSS key for communication between the CTA and the EOS instance and add it to the keytab for the CTA Frontend:

$ cd /etc
$  xrdsssadmin -k cta_eosdev -u eosdev -g cta add ctafrontend_server_sss.keytab
xrdsssadmin: Keyfile 'ctafrontend_server_sss.keytab' does not exist. Create it? (y | n): y
xrdsssadmin: 1 key out of 1 kept (0 expired).
$ cp ctafrontend_server_sss.keytab /etc/cta/eos.sss.keytab
$ chown cta /etc/cta/eos.sss.keytab
$ chmod 600 /etc/cta/eos.sss.keytab

The -k option specifies the key name that the -u (user) and -g (group) options will be applied to, overriding the default nobody/nogroup.

If the keyname ends with +, SSS tokens may be forwarded when encrypted by the associated key, i.e. the key can be used by a different host from the one that encrypted the SSS token. This is required in certain situations, for example when tunnelling through a NAT device or when creating keys for use in the Kubernetes environment.

In production, the + should be omitted, as forwardable keys are inherently less secure. Allowing forwarded tokens makes it impossible to detect man-in-the-middle attacks or stolen SSS tokens.

The SSS key that we have just created also needs to be available to the EOS client, so we copy the server keytab into the client keytab:

cp ctafrontend_server_sss.keytab ctafrontend_client_sss.keytab
chmod 600 ctafrontend_client_sss.keytab
chown cta ctafrontend_client_sss.keytab

As mentioned above, in principle there should be one key per EOS instance, so ctafrontend_client_sss.keytab may contain more than one key. However, as the XRoot client only uses the last key added the keytab, the entire keytab can be safely copied to the client (so long as the key for that instance is the last one that was added).

CTA Frontend XRoot Configuration

The EOS XRootD daemons (fst, mgm, mq) have their configuration files under /etc/<daemon>. The CTA XRootD configuration files are in a different directory, under /etc/cta/<daemon>-xrootd.conf.

Edit /etc/cta/cta-frontend-xrootd.conf and ensure that both Kerberos and SSS are enabled and using the correct keys. This is specified using the sec.protocol and sec.protbind configuration lines.

[loglevels] Set the desired log level using cta.log. Available log levels are:

  • none,error,warning,info,debug,all

There are also two bitmasks:

  • protobuf shows the contents of Protocol buffers in JSON format

  • protoraw shows the serialized Protocol buffer, i.e. what is sent on the wire

Log level all is the same as debug protobuf protoraw.

The file should finish looking something like this:

# Set the CTA XRootD SSI Protobuf log level
cta.log info

# Load the CTA SSI plugin

# Load the SSI module

# Use the security module

# Protocol specification
# The xroot server process needs to be able to read the keytab file
sec.protocol krb5 /etc/cta/cta-frontend.krb5.keytab cta/
sec.protocol sss -s /etc/cta/eos.sss.keytab

# Only Kerberos 5 and sss are allowed
sec.protbind * only sss krb5

# Turn off asynchronous i/o
xrootd.async off

# Use a port other than 1094, already used by EOS xroot server
xrd.port 10955

# Export the SSI resource
all.export /ctafrontend nolock r/w

In sec.protocol krb5, specify the file with the kerberos key generated before and the principal name to be used.

Configure the CTA Command Line Interface (CLI) to talk to the same host:port as specified above:

# The CTA frontend address in the form <FQDN>:<TCPPort>

Create a CTA Admin User

In order to use the cta admin command (see Section [admin_commands_cta_admin]), the admin user must already be defined. The cta-catalogue-admin-user-create command is provided to avoid the circular problem of not being able to use cta admin to create the admin user, by connecting directly to the catalogue database.

cta-catalogue-admin-user-create /etc/cta/cta-catalogue.conf -u admin1 -m "Administrative User"

admin1 has to be your kerberos username.

Start CTA-Frontend

To start using the cta-frontend, it has to be initialized.

systemctl start cta-frontend

First launch kinit to get the kerberos authoritation.

kinit admin1

and then try one command to check cta-frontend is working, for example:

cta-admin version

If there is any problem with the kerberos authentication is posible to see the debug trace executing the command with this external variable:

XrdSecDEBUG=1 cta-admin version

Install the Tape Server

Install the Tape Library

If the CTA instance is not using real tape hardware, follow the directions in Appendix Install mhvtl to install the mhVTL Virtual Tape Library.

Install the Remote Media Changer Daemon (cta-rmcd)

The Remote Media Changer Daemon (cta-rmcd) is a TCP/IP server which controls the robots in the tape libraries. cta-rmcd must run locally for security reasons: it only listens to the localhost network. It includes a device driver for the drive and one for the library.

Install cta-rmcd:

yum install -y castor-rmc-client castor-rmc-server initscripts

The dependency on initscripts will be removed when cta-rmcd is ported from init.d to systemd.

The configuration file /etc/sysconfig/cta-rmcd should contain the following settings:


Start cta-rmcd:

systemctl start cta-rmcd

Now the command smc can be used to load/unload tapes (instead of mtx).

Configure the CTA Tape Server Daemon

Create /etc/cta/cta.conf and configure the number of buffers and the ObjectStore URL. The following example configures 10 buffers of 5 Mb. (The buffer size in this case is the compile-time default, see values below). Replace OBJECTSTOREURL with the value defined in Section Configure objectstore:

taped BufferCount 10
ObjectStore BackendPath OBJECTSTOREURL

Define the tape drives in /etc/cta/TPCONFIG. The four columns are Tape Drive, Logical Library, No-rewind SCSI Device, SCSI Media Changer Device:

VDSTK1 VLSTK /dev/nst0 smc0
VDSTK2 VLSTK /dev/nst1 smc1

Now start the Tape Server. cta-taped is an XRootD client, linked with This library needs to be told which authentication method to use: set XrdSecPROTOCOL to use sss authentication (to talk to the mgm) and also unix authentication (to talk to the fst). Also specify the location of the keytab in XrdSecSSSKT:

# XrdSecPROTOCOL=sss,unix XrdSecSSSKT=/etc/cta-taped.keytab cta-taped
# cta-admin drive ls
  smc0  VDSTK1  Down  NoMount      0  1495195920  0  0  0.000000
  smc1  VDSTK2  Down  NoMount      0  1495195920  0  0  0.000000

Log messages are sent to rsyslog. When cta-taped starts, it reports its configuration. This is set from compile-time defaults, overwritten by any values set in /etc/cta/cta.conf (see above):

$ grep cta-taped /var/log/messages
TID="430" MSG="cta-taped started" version="0-0" foreground="0" logToStdout="0" logToFile="0" logFilePath="" configFileLocation="/etc/cta/cta.conf" helpRequested="0"
TID="430" MSG="Configuration entry" category="taped" key="LogMask" value="DEBUG" source="Compile time default"
TID="430" MSG="Configuration entry" category="taped" key="TpConfigPath" value="/etc/cta/TPCONFIG" source="Compile time default"
TID="430" MSG="Configuration entry" category="taped" key="BufferSize" value="5248000" source="Compile time default"
TID="430" MSG="Configuration entry" category="taped" key="BufferCount" value="10" source="/etc/cta/cta.conf:1"
TID="430" MSG="Configuration entry" category="taped" key="ArchiveFetchBytesFiles" maxBytes="80000000000" maxFiles="500" source="Compile time default"
TID="430" MSG="Configuration entry" category="taped" key="ArchiveFlushBytesFiles" maxBytes="32000000000" maxFiles="200" source="Compile time default"
TID="430" MSG="Configuration entry" category="taped" key="RetrieveFetchBytesFiles" maxBytes="80000000000" maxFiles="500" source="Compile time default"
TID="430" MSG="Configuration entry" category="taped" key="NbDiskThreads" value="10" source="Compile time default"
TID="430" MSG="Configuration entry" category="taped" key="WatchdogIdleSessionTimer" value="10" source="Compile time default"
TID="430" MSG="Configuration entry" category="taped" key="WatchdogMountMaxSecs" value="900" source="Compile time default"
TID="430" MSG="Configuration entry" category="taped" key="WatchdogNoBlockMoveMaxSecs" value="1800" source="Compile time default"
TID="430" MSG="Configuration entry" category="taped" key="WatchdogScheduleMaxSecs" value="60" source="Compile time default"
TID="430" MSG="Configuration entry" category="general" key="ObjectStoreURL" value="/tmp/jobStoreVFSAgmdey" source="/etc/cta/cta.conf:2"
TID="430" MSG="Configuration entry" category="general" key="FileCatalogConfigFile" value="/etc/cta/cta-catalogue.conf" source="Compile time default"
TID="430" MSG="Configuration entry" category="TPCONFIG Entry" unitName="VDSTK1" logicalLibrary="VLSTK" devFilename="/dev/nst0" librarySlot="smc0" source="/etc/cta/TPCONFIG:1"
TID="430" MSG="Configuration entry" category="TPCONFIG Entry" unitName="VDSTK2" logicalLibrary="VLSTK" devFilename="/dev/nst1" librarySlot="smc1" source="/etc/cta/TPCONFIG:2"

This is followed by the startup messages:

TID="430" MSG="Set log mask" logMask="DEBUG"
TID="430" MSG="Set process capabilities" capabilities="= cap_setgid,cap_setuid+ep cap_sys_rawio+p" 
TID="431" MSG="Got dumpable attribute of process" dumpable="true"
TID="431" MSG="Set process capabilities" capabilities="= cap_sys_rawio+p"
TID="431" MSG="Adding handler for subprocess" SubprocessName="signalHandler"
TID="431" MSG="Adding handler for subprocess" SubprocessName="drive:VDSTK1"
TID="431" MSG="Adding handler for subprocess" SubprocessName="drive:VDSTK2"
TID="431" MSG="Adding handler for subprocess" SubprocessName="garbageCollector"
TID="431" MSG="Subprocess handler requested forking" SubprocessName="drive:VDSTK1"
TID="431" MSG="Subprocess handler will fork" SubprocessName="drive:VDSTK1"
TID="431" MSG="Subprocess handler requested forking" SubprocessName="drive:VDSTK2"
TID="432" MSG="In child process. Running child." SubprocessName="drive:VDSTK1"
TID="431" MSG="Subprocess handler will fork" SubprocessName="drive:VDSTK2"
TID="431" MSG="Subprocess handler requested forking" SubprocessName="garbageCollector"

Configure the cta-taped sudo user

The username specified in the SSS key shared between the EOS MGM and CTA Tape Server must be configured as an EOS superuser:

$ sudo eos vid set membership cta +sudo
success: set vid [  eos.rgid=0 eos.ruid=0 mgm.cmd=vid mgm.subcmd=set mgm.vid.cmd=membership mgm.vid.key=cta:root mgm.vid.source.uid=cta ]

Start the XRoot daemon with CTA Frontend plugin

Start the XRoot daemon, specifying the name of the XRoot instance (-n), the name of the configuration file we just created (-c), use IPv4 protocol (-I v4), run in the background (-b) and where to put the log file (-l)[^2]:

su - cta
[~]$ xrootd -n cta -c /etc/cta/cta-frontend-xrootd.conf -I v4 -b -l /tmp/ctafrontend.log

Once the XRoot daemon is running, the CTA CLI will be able to send commands and receive results (See §[admin_commands]).

Configure EOS Workflows

The workflows define how EOS will talk to the CTA Frontend. The following EOS workflows should be registered:

  • Archive workflow (executed on CREATE and CLOSEW events)

  • Retrieve workflow (executed on PREPARE events)

  • Delete workflow (executed on DELETE events)

Create a workflow namespace directory. This will be used to store the workflow attributes but will not store any files:

eos mkdir -p /eos/dev/proc/cta/workflow

Link the attributes of the data directory to the attributes of the workflow directory. This causes the workflow configuration to be inherited by the data directory:

eos attr link /eos/dev/proc/cta/workflow /eos/users/test

Configure the workflows mentioned above:

The workflows are in a state of flux. Document this once they have settled down.

eos attr set sys.workflow.sync::abort_prepare.default="proto" /eos/dev/proc/cta/workflow
eos attr set sys.workflow.sync::archive_failed.default="proto" /eos/dev/proc/cta/workflow
eos attr set sys.workflow.sync::archived.default="proto" /eos/dev/proc/cta/workflow
eos attr set sys.workflow.sync::closew.default="proto" /eos/dev/proc/cta/workflow
eos attr set sys.workflow.sync::closew.retrieve_written="proto" /eos/dev/proc/cta/workflow
eos attr set sys.workflow.sync::create.default="proto" /eos/dev/proc/cta/workflow
eos attr set sys.workflow.sync::delete.default="proto" /eos/dev/proc/cta/workflow
eos attr set sys.workflow.sync::evict_prepare.default="proto" /eos/dev/proc/cta/workflow
eos attr set sys.workflow.sync::prepare.default="proto" /eos/dev/proc/cta/workflow
eos attr set sys.workflow.sync::retrieve_failed.default="proto" /eos/dev/proc/cta/workflow

The linked attributes on the target directory can be shown:

eos attr ls /eos/users/test

The target directory has to be configured in this way:

# Force checksums
eos attr set sys.forced.checksum="adler" /eos/users/test
# Set storage class for archival
eos attr set sys.archive.storage_class="single" /eos/users/test
# Set ACLs
eos attr set sys.acl="u:<your user ID>:rwx+dp,u:99:rwx+dp,z:!u,u:0:+u" /eos/users/test

Ensure that the EOS workflow engine is switched on:

eos space config default space.wfe=on
eos space status default

The workflow configuration can be tested by manually triggering the EOS workflows:

eos file workflow <filename> default create
eos file workflow <filename> default closew
eos file workflow <filename> default prepare
eos file workflow <filename> default delete

Removing CTA

To remove the CTA Front-end and associated packages:

yum remove oracle-instantclient12.1-basic oracle-instantclient-tnsnames.ora \
    oracle-instantclient12.1-devel oracle-instantclient12.1-meta cta-lib \
    cta-frontend protobuf3 protobuf3-compiler cryptopp libcephfs1 ceph-common \