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ATRESYS - Automated Tape REpacking SYStem

ATRESYS is a tool for automating the tape repack process taking place in a CTA system. The automation tools manage the repack on a level one step higher than the repack concept in CTA, such that the whole workflow both before and after the repack itself can be automated.

ATRESYS contains:

  • A command line tool cta-ops-repack-manager, which allows an operator to interact with the system.
  • A set of scripts cta-ops-repack-<1-6>... and cta-ops-repack-monitor, which are intended to be run by a job scheduler such as Rundeck or cron.


Besides installing the package, a table like the following has to be set up in the target database:

                         Table "public.repack_status_prod"
     Column      |              Type              | Collation | Nullable | Default 
 tape            | character varying(20)          |           | not null | 
 entered         | timestamp(0) without time zone |           | not null | 
 started         | timestamp(0) without time zone |           |          | 
 repacked        | timestamp(0) without time zone |           |          | 
 quarantined     | timestamp(0) without time zone |           |          | 
 reclaimed       | timestamp(0) without time zone |           |          | 
 finished        | timestamp(0) without time zone |           |          | 
 files           | bigint                         |           | not null | 
 bytes           | bigint                         |           | not null | 
 usage           | smallint                       |           | not null | 
 last_write_date | timestamp(0) without time zone |           |          | 
 mode            | automation_modes               |           | not null | 
 priority        | smallint                       |           | not null | 
 mediatype       | character varying(20)          |           | not null | 
 tapepool        | character varying(20)          |           | not null | 
 responsible     | character varying(40)          |           | not null |
    "repack_status_prod_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (tape)


  • A DB with a schema as shown above. The tool is intended to be used with Postgresql.
  • A working CTA environment. Use cta-ops-repack-manager check-env to verify that all needed pools have been created.
  • An external scheduling tool, such as cron or Rundeck.


The behavior, database and priorities used by the tools can be configured using the following options:

  # ----------------------
  # ATRESYS - Automated Tape REpacking SYStem
  # ----------------------
    # Set debug-level logging by default
    debug: false
    # Set a new subdirectory specifically for repack
      log_dir: "/var/log/cta-ops/repack/"
    # Credentials and details for the repack backend database
      username: "changeme"
      password: "changeme"
      name: "cta_repack"
      host: "changeme"
      port: "changeme"
      repack_table_name: "REPACK_STATUS"
    # Maximum number of concurrent repacks executed by these tools
    max_active_repacks: 10
    # The number of days a tape spends in the quarantine pool before being
    # reclaimed
    quarantine_days: 31
    # Settings specific to each script file
      # By default only tapes with occupancy > usage_threshold are selected
      tape_usage_threshold: 0.4
      # Default size of scan result
      number_of_tapes: 10
      # Exclude tapes in these pools from the scan
        - "quarantine"
      # Path for the text file containing the list of files found inside a given
      # tape, before the repack has started.
      existing_files_on_tape: "/var/log/cta-ops/repack/repack-tapefile-$DATE-$TAPE.txt"
      # Use this pattern to match the above created files for periodic cleanup.
      cleanup_pattern: "*repack-tapefile*"
      # Keep tapefile listings for this amount of days
      keep_tf_files_days: 14
      # Log location for end-of-CTA-repack statistics
      repack-end-json-path: "/var/log/cta-ops/repack/cta-ops-repack-end-json.log"
      # Fluentd-based monitoring
      ls_out: "/var/log/cta-ops/repack/cta-ops-repack-automation-json.log"
    # Mapping of priorities and mountpolicies
    default_priority: 10
        name: "low"
        mount_policy: "repack_low_priority"
        default_dst_pool_prefix: "tolabel"
        name: "low-erase"
        mount_policy: "repack_low_priority"
        default_dst_pool_prefix: "erase"
        name: "high-tolabel"
        mount_policy: "repack_high_priority"
        default_dst_pool_prefix: "tolabel"
        name: "high"
        mount_policy: "repack_high_priority"
        default_dst_pool_prefix: "erase"


States and operation modes

As a repacking tape moves through the system it will go through the following states:

  1. Entered: The tape has been entered into the automation system.
  2. Started: A repack object for the tape has been created in CTA.
  3. Repacked: The repack of the tape has completed in CTA.
  4. Quarantined: The tape is being held in quarantine before being reclaimed.
  5. Reclaimed: The tape has been reclaimed using cta-admin tape reclaim.
  6. Finished: The tape has been moved to its destination tolabel/erase pool.

Additionally, an automated repack may run in three different modes:

  • auto: The tape is being processed by the repack automation system.
  • manual: An operator is working with the tape, the repack automation system will not interact with it.
  • error: An error has been detected and the repack automation system will not process the tape further until an operator has intervened.

Command line tool

The repack automation system comes with a command line tool for operators to manage the automated repacks: cta-ops-repack-manager

This tool can be used similarly to cta-admin-ops, in order to view, change, remove, etc. jobs from the system. Run cta-ops-repack-manager --help for a complete list of options

Scheduled scripts

  • cta-ops-repack-0-scan:
  • Scans through all known tapes and identifies tapes which should be repacked
  • Right now the script supports scanning for full tapes with a low level of utilization
  • cta-ops-repack-1-prepare:
  • Prepares tapes for repack (adds them to the database)
    • Performs validity checks
  • cta-ops-repack-2-start:
  • Launches the repack of the tapes which have not been repacked yet
  • Limits number of concurrent repacks in CTA
  • cta-ops-repack-3-end:
  • Identifies tapes which have been successfully repacked
  • cta-ops-repack-4-quarantine:
  • Moves repacked tapes to the quarantine pool and updates the DB accordingly
  • cta-ops-repack-5-reclaim:
  • Reclaims tapes that have completed their quarantine
  • cta-ops-repack-6-finish:
  • Identifies tapes that have been reclaimed and moves them to the appropriate "tolabel_" or "erase" pool
  • cta-ops-repack-monitor:
  • Exports the current contents of the DB table to a JSON log file, which can be consumed by a monitoring tool

Design decisions/philosophy

  • cta-ops-repack-manager supports both short and extended output forms. The short output should be the default, the extended output can be used for troubleshooting.
  • cta-ops-repack-monitor outputs JSON logs for easy parsing using, for instance, Fluentd.