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CI Guidelines

To ensure that the continuous integration setup is maintainable and flexible, there are a number of guidelines to follow. These are outlined below. When working on anything related to the CI, be sure to thoroughly read through this first.


  • Every script must have a copyright statement on top
  • Scripts should take their input from flags and not from environment variables
  • For each input flag, a script must provide a long-form version. E.g. --image-tag
    • If applicable, an additional short-form option can be provided. E.g. -t
  • Each script that takes any sort of input must provide a usage() function
  • Keep scripts short and task-specific
    • Scripts should follow the single-responsibility principle.
    • If a script is doing too many things, split it into smaller scripts and call these scripts from a wrapper/parent script
  • Scripts must not make any assumption on what the calling script is to ensure reusability
  • Always validate (the existence of) input arguments to ensure proper behaviour
  • Make sure scripts clean up after themselves. If temporary files are created that are no longer necessary after the script finishes, then using trap to remove these on script exit
  • Scripts should be able to handle errors gracefully
  • Use tools like ShellCheck to catch potential bugs and improve script quality.

Container Images

  • Be extremely careful never to install Oracle RPMs in any image that might ever be publically available!!
    • We cannot distribute Oracle RPMs in any way, shape or form
  • Never include any secrets in a Dockerfile
  • Do not hardcode configuration values in a Dockerfile
  • Do not do at runtime what can be done at buildtime
  • No if-else branching in a Dockerfile. If this is needed, create a separate Dockerfile instead
  • Naming for a Dockerfile should be [<purpose>.]Dockerfile
    • If there is only one Docker image, then naming this file Dockerfile is fine
    • Otherwise, prefix the purpose/name accordingly
  • If there are files only needed during the building of the image that are not needed at runtime, look into multi-stage builds to prevent these files from ending up in the final image
  • Group similar commands into a single layer, but prevent overly complex RUN commands
  • Put frequently running/changing instructions towards the end of the Dockerfile to ensure earlier layers can still be cached effectively
  • Remove temporary files, caches, and other unnecessary items during the build process to keep images lightweight
  • Add comments to explain any non-trivial steps or design decisions in the Dockerfile

GitLab Pipeline

  • Any job definitions go into .gitlab/ci/*.gitlab-ci.yaml
  • Similar jobs should be grouped into the same file.
  • A single .gitlab/ci/*.gitlab-ci.yaml should not contain jobs belonging to multiple stages
    • The exception being different stages with the same prefix (e.g. test: or release:)
  • Use the following order for defining the job properties:
    • allow_failure
    • retry
    • stage
    • extends
    • tags
    • needs
    • dependencies
    • rules
    • image
    • variables
    • before_script
    • script
    • after_script
    • artifacts
    • release
  • Use needs to specify which jobs a specific job is relying on. If there are none, specify an empty list.
    • This ensures that the job does not needlessly download all artifacts of jobs that came before
    • It also ensures its correct position in the DAG
  • Job naming should be all lowercase and contain only alphanumeric characters. Words can be split using hyphens: example-job
    • It is allowed to use a slash (/), colon (:) or space in the name if it is required to group jobs together
  • In any script part, each line should be a separate entry in yaml. I.e. do not do - | and dump the entire script
    • This ensures the steps remain readable when the pipeline is executed
    • For if-statement, using - | is fine to ensure readability. Try to keep any if-statements like this as short as possible
  • Do not put secrets in any job definitions. Secrets should be defined as GitLab CI/CD variables and referenced as such
  • Global pipeline variables are defined in .gitlab-ci.yaml
  • Jobs should refer to the image through a global variable to ensure that the images can be easily updated in a centralized placed
  • A job should only run on_success (see the rules section) unless there is a very good reason not to
  • Try to prevent too much scripting logic ending up in a job definition. If applicable, create a script out of it
  • Any calls to a script should use the long flag names (so --namespace instead of -n) to improve readability
  • Jobs in a file should be grouped logically together. In general: default or general jobs go towards the top of the file, whereas edge-case/specific jobs go towards the bottom


  • Don't do at runtime what can be done at build time.
  • Least priviledge: don't give pods more priviledges than they need.
  • For defining different configuration options, create an alternative values.yaml file, not a variation of an existing configmap (unless absolutel necessary).
  • Always check if things can be done natively in Helm/kubernetes before adding any scripting logic.
  • Don't use plain pod definitions, use deployments/statefulsets/replicasets instead. This ensures pods can be easily redeployed.
  • Restrict communication between pods with network policies to control ingress and egress.
  • Store sensitive data in Kubernetes Secrets and reference them securely in pods.
  • Ensure probes are correctly set up to monitor pod health and availability.
  • Redirect application logs to stdout and stderr so that logs can be easily collected by a logging agent
  • Add meaningful labels and annotations for organization, tracking, and automation (see the common chart).
  • Upgrade the chart version when changes are passed through.

Helm Structure

Adhere to the following directory structure per chart:

├── charts/                # Directory for dependent subcharts
├── templates/             # YAML templates for Kubernetes resources
│   ├── _helpers.tpl       # Helper templates (e.g., for names, labels)
│   ├── subcomponent1/     # Additional resources for a subcomponent (optional)
│   ├── subcomponent2/
│   ├── deployment.yaml    # Deployment manifest (optional)
│   ├── service.yaml       # Service manifest (optional)
│   └── ingress.yaml       # Ingress manifest (optional)
├── Chart.yaml             # Chart metadata (name, version, etc.)
├── values.yaml            # Default configuration values
├── values.schema.json     # JSON schema for validating values (optional)
├──              # Documentation

Naming Guidelines

  • Use lowercase letters
  • Use hyphens (-) for separators
  • Keep names descriptive but concise: Names should indicate the purpose of the resource without being excessively long.
  • Avoid special characters: Only use alphanumeric characters and hyphens.

Naming patterns:

  • Chart Directory: <name>/
  • Example: my-app/, cta
  • Values File: values.yaml (default values file)
  • Custom Values Files: <env>[-<resource>]-values.yaml
  • Example: dev-values.yaml, prod-values.yaml, ci-catalogue-oracle-values.yaml
  • Templates Directory: templates/
  • Helm release names: <app-name>-<env>
  • Example: myapp-dev, myapp-prod

Resource templates

Each resource should reside in its own separate file. Do not define multiple resources in a single file. If the resources are really tightly coupled, create a directory instead.

Stick to simple names for the main different resource types:

  • Pod: pod.yaml
  • Deployment: deployment.yaml
  • Service: service.yaml
  • Ingress: ingress.yaml

If required, prefix the above with a descriptive name.

For the following resource types, use a descriptive name, followed by the shortname of the resource type:

  • ConfigMap: <name>-configmap.yaml
  • Secret: <name>-secret.yaml
  • Job: <name>-job.yaml
  • CronJob: <name>-cronjob.yaml

If there already is a directory for said type (e.g. configmaps/, secrets/), then the suffix is no longer necessary and <name>.yaml is sufficient.

In general, the templates/ directory should be split into separate components if relevant. For example, instead of:

├── postgres-pod.yaml
├── postgres-svc.yaml
├── oracle-pod.yaml
You should do:
├── postgres/
│   ├── pod.yaml
│   ├── service.yaml
├── oracle/
│   ├── pod.yaml

The resource names (not the file names, the name of the resource itself) should simply have a short descriptive name. In the case of jobs, postfix the name with -job. This way it is clear during kubectl get pods when something is a job. This also holds for cron jobs.