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The recycle-bin

A recycle-bin has been implemented in CTA to cover the two following use cases:

  • When a user deletes a file via eos rm, we need to log this deletion for future recovery if necessary
  • When an operator repacks a tape, the files located on the source tape will be moved to the destination tape(s). We want to keep a trace of the files that were on the source tape for future recovery if necessary

The structure of the recycle-bin

The recycle-bin is just a table in the CTA Catalogue database. Its name is FILE_RECYCLE_LOG and each entry corresponds to a deleted or repacked tape file. For each entry on this table, the deleted or repacked tape file will be inserted as well as the associated archive file information.

In addition to the tape file fields and the archive file fields, the following columns have been added the the FILE_RECYCLE_LOG table in order to have more information about the deleted/repacked files:

  • the DISK_FILE_ID_WHEN_DELETED column stores the diskFileId the file had when it was deleted (given by EOS when a eos rm has been called)
  • the DISK_FILE_PATH column stores the path of the file given by EOS when the file is deleted
  • the REASON_LOG column stores the reason why the file has been put to the recycle-bin (repack or user deletion)
  • the RECYCLE_LOG_TIME column to store the time the file has been put to the recycle-bin

When a user deletes a file with eos rm

When a user submits an eos rm command on a file, the file is inserted in the recycle-bin. Example:

The file test00000000 is located in the tape vid V01001:

$ cta-admin tapefile ls --vid V01001 -l
archive id copy no    vid fseq block id instance disk fxid  size checksum type checksum value   storage class owner group    creation time path                                                                    
4294967301       1 V01001    2       11   ctaeos         c 15.4K       ADLER32       7177e5d6 ctaStorageClass 11001  1100 2021-02-10 16:45 /eos/ctaeos/preprod/ba6347ae-96ea-426b-9e91-e3a138bf1e0b/0/test00000000

Let's delete it on EOS:

$ eos rm /eos/ctaeos/preprod/ba6347ae-96ea-426b-9e91-e3a138bf1e0b/0/test00000000

The file is now inserted in the recycle-bin

$ cta-admin recycletf ls --fxid c
archive id copy no    vid fseq block id instance disk fxid  size checksum type checksum value   storage class owner group    deletion time                                                       path when deleted reason                                        
4294967301       1 V01001    2       11   ctaeos         c 15.4K       ADLER32       7177e5d6 ctaStorageClass 11001  1100 2021-02-10 16:47 /eos/ctaeos/preprod/ba6347ae-96ea-426b-9e91-e3a138bf1e0b/0/test00000000 File deleted by root from the ctaeos instance

The file is not in the tape file entries anymore:

$ cta-admin tapefile ls --fxid c --instance ctaeos
archive id copy no vid fseq block id instance disk fxid size checksum type checksum value storage class owner group creation time path

To conclude, when a user deletes a file with the eos rm command, the associated tape files are moved to the recycle-bin. The associated ARCHIVE_FILE and TAPE_FILE entries are deleted.

When an operator repacks a tape

When an operator repacks a tape, the tape files located on the source tape will be deleted from the TAPE_FILE table and will be put into the recycle-bin.


The tape V01001 that contain 1 file has been repacked.

$ cta-admin re ls
          c.time repackTime    c.user    vid providedFiles totalFiles totalBytes filesToRetrieve filesToArchive failed   status 
2021-02-11 13:43        16s ctaadmin2 V01001             0          1      15.4K               0              0      0 Complete 

No files are on this tape anymore:

$ cta-admin tapefile ls --vid V01001
archive id copy no vid fseq block id instance disk fxid size checksum type checksum value storage class owner group creation time path

The repacked files are on the recycle-bin with the reason REPACK:

$ cta-admin recycletf ls --vid V01001
archive id copy no    vid fseq block id instance disk fxid  size checksum type checksum value   storage class owner group    deletion time path when deleted reason 
4294967298       1 V01001    1        0   ctaeos         9 15.4K       ADLER32       0bc0e709 ctaStorageClass 11001  1100 2021-02-11 13:43                 - REPACK

List the files located in the recycle-bin

There are two ways of listing the files located in the recycle-bin:

  • By eos fxid (hexadecimal form of the diskFileId)
  • By tape VID

By eos fxid

$ cta-admin recycletf ls --fxid 9
archive id copy no    vid fseq block id instance disk fxid  size checksum type checksum value   storage class owner group    deletion time path when deleted reason 
4294967298       1 V01001    1        0   ctaeos         9 15.4K       ADLER32       0bc0e709 ctaStorageClass 11001  1100 2021-02-11 13:43                 - REPACK


$ cta-admin recycletf ls --vid V01001
archive id copy no    vid fseq block id instance disk fxid  size checksum type checksum value   storage class owner group    deletion time path when deleted reason 
4294967298       1 V01001    1        0   ctaeos         9 15.4K       ADLER32       0bc0e709 ctaStorageClass 11001  1100 2021-02-11 13:43                 - REPACK

Remove the files from the recycle-bin

The only way to remove the files from the recycle-bin is to reclaim the tape where these files were located.

$ cta-admin recycletf ls --vid V01001
archive id copy no    vid fseq block id instance disk fxid  size checksum type checksum value   storage class owner group    deletion time path when deleted reason 
4294967298       1 V01001    1        0   ctaeos         9 15.4K       ADLER32       0bc0e709 ctaStorageClass 11001  1100 2021-02-11 13:43                 - REPACK 
$ cta-admin tape reclaim --vid V01001
$ cta-admin recycletf ls --vid V01001
archive id copy no    vid fseq block id instance disk fxid  size checksum type checksum value   storage class owner group    deletion time path when deleted reason