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EOS-CTA Reconciliation Strategy¶
- Fast reconciliation: in-flight archive requests for sure, maybe retrieve requests as well
- Full or slow reconciliation: complete name space scan
- Reconcile Storage Classes: Synchronize the list of valid tape storage classes between EOS and CTA
Slow reconciliation¶
The slow reconciliation would scan the entire list of files existing in one EOS instance. CTA could then detect the files which are missing on its side, and the ones which are not known to EOS anymore. Metadata changes in EOS will as well be propagated to CTA during this process. Extra levels of safety could be added (crossing sizes, checksums, etc. ...) at the cost of a heavier streaming from EOS. We would then need a retransmit request operation (could be triggering the proper workflow in EOS), and possibly another operation allowing the confirmation of non-existence of a file.
The slow reconciliation would be done against the files listed as belonging to a given EOS instance in the CTA catalog. The listing needs to include the metadata or a mean to detect its changes, and re-create archive requests if needed.
An ideal reconciliation rate would be one week.
Reconciling EOS file info and CTA disk file info¶
This should be the most common scenario causing discrepancies between the EOS namespace and the disk file info within the CTA catalogue. The proposal is to attack this in two ways: first (already done) we piggyback disk file info on most commands acting on CTA Archive files ("archive", "retrieve", "cancelretrieve", etc.), second (to be agreed with Andreas) EOS could have a trigger on file renames or other file information changes (owner, group, path, etc.) that calls our updatefileinfo command with the updated fields. In addition (also to be agreed with Andreas) there should also be a separate low priority process (a sort of EOS-side reconciliation process) going through the entire EOS namespace periodically calling updatefileinfo on each of the known files, we would also store the date when this update function was called (see below to know why).
Reconciling EOS deletes which haven't been propagated to CTA¶
Say that the above EOS-side low-priority reconciliation process takes on average 3 months and it is run continuously. We could use the last reconciliation date to determine the list of possible candidates of files which EOS does not know about anymore, by just taking the ones which haven't been updated say in the last 6 months. Since we have the EOS instance name and EOS file id for each file (and Andreas confirmed that IDs are unique and never reused within a single instance), we can then automatically check (through our own CTA-side reconciliation process) whether indeed these files exist or not. For the ones that still exist we notify EOS admins for a possible bug in their reconciliation process and we ask them to issue the updatefileinfo command, for the ones which don't exist anymore we double check with their owners before deleting them from CTA.
Note: It's important to note that we do not reconcile storage class information. Any storage class change is triggered by the EOS user and it is synchronous: once we successfully record the change our command returns.
Slow reconciliation interface¶
- Action on storage class change for a file? (postponed to repack?)
- Possible admin daemon that handles slow reconciliations and repacks?
- Full chain reconciliation should be devised.
Restoring Deleted Files¶
A method to re-create a deleted file in EOS from CTA data/metadata should be devised.
We might want to pass the information that a file deletion has been confirmed after reconciliation with the user's catalogue. Also delete could be passed to CTA when the file is moved to the recycle bin in EOS, or when it is definitely deleted from EOS.