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Change Storage Class


This page is deprecated and may contain information that is no longer up to date.


This tool will soon be changed to avoid the use of gRPC.

The cta-change-storage-class tool changes the storage class for a file in both the EOS namespace and in the CTA Catalogue. The script is written in python and uses cta-change-storage-class-in-catalogue the change the storage class on the CTA side, while using the acl tool to change the storage class on the EOS side Two examples of usage are:

  1. Changing the storage class for specified files.
  2. Going from single to dual copy.


The workflow when using the tool is as follows:

  1. Create a storage class or make sure that the new storage class exists.
  2. If new files that are going to tape should inherit the new storage class from the parent directory, the extended attribute sys.archive.storage_class of the directory must be set manually.
  3. Use cta-change-storage-class to change the storage class in the EOS namespace and in the CTA catalogue.
  4. Perform a repack

To use the tool call:

cta-change-storage-class --id/-I <archiveFileID> | --json/-j <path> --storageclassname/-n <storageClassName> [--frequency/-t <eosRequestFrequency>]

where the JSON file is a text file with one JSON object for each line. The tool will check if the archive ID exists in the CTA catalogue. Example of JSON file:

{"archiveId": '${EOS_ARCHIVE_ID_1}', "fid": '${EOS_FILE_ID_1}', "instance": "'${EOSINSTANCE}'"}
{"archiveId": '${EOS_ARCHIVE_ID_2}', "fid": '${EOS_FILE_ID_2}', "instance": "'${EOSINSTANCE}'"}
{"archiveId": '${EOS_ARCHIVE_ID_3}', "fid": '${EOS_FILE_ID_3}', "instance": "'${EOSINSTANCE}'"}

The tool should be run from the frontend as it needs access to both EOS and the catalogue. This means that cta-cli.conf must be copied to the frontend. cta-cli should be placed in /etc/cta..

To set up kerberos for the frontend:

  1. Check that a keytab file for the CTA admin user is present, in this example /root/
  2. Run kinit: ```KRB5CCNAME=/tmp/${CTAADMIN_USER}/krb5cc_0 kinit -kt /root/${CTAADMIN_USER}.keytab ${CTAADMIN_USER}@TEST.CTA````

For details please refer to the tool`s specific command line arguments and/or configuration files.