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To recall files from tape to disk, a PREPARE request is sent to EOSCTA. Most large experiments (such as ATLAS, CMS and LHCb) use FTS, which sends bulk PREPARE requests with 100's of files at a time.

The four main workflows associated with retrieving files from tape are:

  • PREPARE: stage a file from tape to the EOS disk buffer; increments the evict counter;
  • QUERY_PREPARE: query the status of a file (replica on disk or not; replica on tape or not; details of any in-flight requests; any errors);
  • ABORT_PREPARE: cancel a previous PREPARE request;
  • EVICT_PREPARE: decrement the evict counter of a previously-retrieved file replica and, if the value reached zero, remove it from the EOS buffer;

Note that not all requests are communicated from EOS to the CTA Frontend:

  • PREPARE requests will only be passed to CTA they are the first request for a file;
  • ABORT_PREPARE requests will decrease the evict counter and only be passed to CTA if it reaches zero;
  • QUERY_PREPARE and EVICT_PREPARE are handled entirely by EOS and are never communicated to CTA;

Evict counter

It's possible to send several PREPARE requests to the same file. Only the first will be passed from EOS to CTA. All the following ones will result in a incremented evict counter (after the file has been staged). \ ABORT_PREPARE and EVICT_PREPARE, on other hand, will decrease the evict counter. Once this value reaches zero, the file will be evicted.

This allows multiple clients to request and access the same file, while guaranteeing that EOSCTA keeps it staged until the last client no longer needs it.


PREPARE takes a list of files and returns a Request ID. \ QUERY_PREPARE, ABORT_PREPARE and EVICT_PREPARE use this same Request ID and the list of files to reference the request. The Request ID is a unique ID generated by EOS. One ID is generated for each request, and there can be multiple different requests for the same file. In other words, the relationship between Request ID and a file is many-to-many.

The XRootD API in EOS does not maintain the mapping between Request IDs and list of files (contrary bulk requests issued by the HTTP Tape REST API). This is usually done by FTS. In this scenario, EOS on its own is not able to provide a mechanism to look up the list of files associated with a given request. Instead, a file must be queried to see which Request IDs are attached to its metadata.

If FTS is not used, it is the responsibility of the client to keep track of which files belong to a given Request ID (unless the HTTP Tape REST API is used).

Retrieve workflow

The figure below shows the sequence for queuing a PREPARE request and retrieving the file to EOS disk. \ It also depicts the QUERY_PREPARE workflow, used to query the staging status of a file.

    participant Client as Client
    participant FST as EOS FST
    participant MGM as EOS MGM
    participant FE as CTA Frontend
    participant TS as CTA Tape Server
    rect rgba(255,255,255,0.1)
    activate Client
    Client ->> MGM: prepare (PREPARE)
    Note right of FE: Create<br/>and enqueue<br/>a retrieve request<br/>for each file
    MGM ->> FE: prepare event
    FE -->> MGM: ack
    MGM -->> Client: ack
    deactivate Client
    rect rgba(255,255,255,0.1)
    activate TS
    Note right of TS: Tape session pops<br/>retrieve request(s)<br/>from queue and<br/>reads file(s) from<br/>tape to disk buffer
    TS ->> MGM: open
    MGM -->> TS: redirect
    TS ->> FST: open
    activate FST
    TS ->> FST: write
    TS ->> FST: ...
    TS ->> FST: close
    deactivate FST
    TS ->> MGM: retrieve done (optional)
    MGM -->> TS: ack
    deactivate TS
    rect rgba(255,255,255,0.1)
    Note right of MGM: Client can check<br/>status of files
    Client ->> MGM: query (QUERY_PREPARE)
    MGM -->> Client: response